
I love pears. I really love pears. But, as Eddie Izzard says, they're gorgeous little beasts but they're ripe for half an hour. I decided to try my hand at canning them. I followed the directions in my Ball Book of Home Preserving, but I'm not sure they anticipated the size of local pears in season. Bartlet pears can be kinda enormous.

The recipe called for one batch of light syrup - 2 1/4c sugar, 5 1/4c water. I made this in my enormous stockpot, knowing I'd have to put pears in with it. However, this much syrup will not completely cover one layer of pears in my stockpot - it's too wide. Next time I'll either do it in a much smaller pot or use a double batch of syrup.

I cooked the pears in the hot syrup for five minutes and then put them in jars. Pint jars. One large Bartlet pear is all that will fit in a pint jar I discovered. Next time I will use quart jars if I want halves pears. I ended up dicing some of them to fit more pear in each jar. Was this wise? Only time will tell.

After packing all the pears I had tons left over, so I put them in a big flip top jar and shoved them in the fridge. I like pears, I should be able to each six of them in a week - no problem. Then I boiled my jars for 20 minutes, took them out to cool, and listened to the lids pop. They're something very satisfying about hearing those lids pop, like a bletch after a really good meal. (Yes, I'm a bit crude.)
